
Deutsche Version

















































































© 2005 by ProComert | Disclaimer

A. Services provided to German and Austrian enterprises
B. Services provided to Moldovan enterprises
C. Macro-project

ProComert provides consulting services both to German and Austrian/ European enterprises, which intend to expand their activities in the Republic of Moldova as well as to the Moldovan enterprises, which plan to collaborate with Austrian and German partners. Our services meet the ISO 9001:2000 quality standards and requirements.

A. Services provided to German and Austrian enterprises:

1. Secretarial services:

2. Consultancy services:

3. Facility Management

The German-Austrian Center offers renovated offices for rent along with a package of services to Austrian, German and Moldovan enterprises in its office building in Moldova’s capital Chisinau on Alexandru cel Bun Street, 85.

The Facility Management services include:

4. Legal advice and notary services

Our goal is to advise our clients so that all legal risks will be minimized. Therefore, our company provides the following legal services in order to avoid financial difficulties as well as to settle existing legal problems.

Our legal services include:

Specific legal services:

Notary services:

5. Financial and tax consultancy, accounting

Financial and tax consultancy as well as accounting are part of the services offered by the German-Austrian Center. The main goal of these services is to reduce the financial risk of the client by improving the financial and tax set-up of the enterprise and by informing the company’s management about recent changes in the legislation.

Our company provides the following services:

B. Services provided to Moldovan enterprises:

C. Macro-projects

In the field of macro-projects ProComert performs different services as subcontractor within larger projects according to the Center’s key competence. These projects are usually being implemented both by large Western companies and international bodies, as well as by the governments of EU countries/ bi- and multilateral donors and/or the Government of the Republic of Moldova.

ProComert offers the following services: